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Tag: Scale

You need BOTH a resilient mindset AND a resilient business model to scale.

You need BOTH a resilient mindset AND a resilient business model to scale.

In today’s uncertain and evolving economy, scaling and dominating your industry require more than just a great product or service. It demands a combination of a resilient mindset and a resilient business model.

Resilience is the ability to persist and stay proactive despite challenging circumstances. By cultivating the right mindset and implementing a robust business model, entrepreneurs can navigate the ever-changing landscape and achieve long-term success.

The Power of a Resilient Mindset: A resilient mindset is the foundation for overcoming obstacles and staying ahead in the game. It is an attitude that governs your behaviour and shapes your response to adversity. Developing the following mindsets is crucial for sustainable growth:

  1. Operator Mindset: Embrace the day-to-day grind and persistence necessary for success. It grants you control over shaping and crafting your business.
  2. Growth Mindset: Continuously seek opportunities for improvement and learning. Be open to innovation and adaptability, always striving for growth.
  3. Winning Mindset: Cultivate a positive outlook and a belief in your ability to succeed. Maintain a determined attitude and approach challenges as opportunities for victory.
  4. Investor Mindset: Think strategically and long-term, weighing risks and rewards. Make decisions that align with your vision and attract investment.

Building a Resilient Business Model: A resilient business model is the blueprint for translating effort into economic success.

Conventional wisdom suggests focusing on product or service excellence, establishing functions, recruiting to enable those, and then growing by adding new products or markets.

The Asset of Value approach offers a more customer-centric perspective:

  1. Define Your Target Market: Understand the specific customers you serve and their needs. Tailor your offerings to solve their problems effectively.
  2. Customer Experience Focus: Prioritize creating an exceptional customer experience throughout the client journey. Differentiate yourself by delivering that experience consistently in a way that differentiates you from your competitors.
  3. Design in Collaboration with Your Team: Engineer your business model together with your team. Delegate leadership roles and foster a culture of collective responsibility and growth.
  4. Lead Growth: As the business owner you have to lead your business’s growth and ensure that growth doesn’t dismantle your system of delivery. Maintain a consistent level of service quality as you expand and enter new markets or add new products.

Combining personal resilience with a robust business model maximizes your efforts and drives economic success. By staying adaptable, continuously improving, and keeping your customers at the centre of your operations, you position yourself for exponential returns and long-term sustainability.

To listen to the full discussion from the show:

Harness technology to lead your industry

This Week@Work: Harness technology to lead your industry

This Week@Work, a fierce debate around technology, and ChatGPT specifically got Pavlo thinking about the importance of being an early adopter to stay ahead of your competition.

You can choose to constantly explore what new technology is out there, understand how it can benefit your business, and to implement it to lead your industry, or you can take a more cautious approach, see how it pans out, and you will find yourself lagging behind.

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April Alumni roundtable

Alumni online roundtable 14 April

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Online roundtable session facilitated by Pavlo Phitidis

April Alumni roundtable

14 April 2023 
9am to 10.30am

Keep good company by engaging and developing relationships with established, growth-minded business owners through an online roundtable event that will enable – 

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

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alumni may 2023

Alumni online event 19 May

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Online roundtable session facilitated by Pavlo Phitidis

alumni may 2023

19 May 2023 
9am to 10.30am

Keep good company by engaging and developing relationships with established, growth-minded business owners through an online roundtable event that will enable – 

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

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June Alumni

Alumni online roundtable 22 June

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Online roundtable session facilitated by Pavlo Phitidis

June Alumni

22 June 2023 
9am to 10.30am

Keep good company by engaging and developing relationships with established, growth-minded business owners through an online roundtable event that will enable – 

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

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Alumni meet up 20 July 2023

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Alumni networking and dealmaking

Business event 30 Nov

20 July 2023

4 pm – 8pm 
Venue TBC, Joburg 

Get access to and insight from a network of peers in a casual, convivial setting that will offer:

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

Please note this is a closed event, exlusively for Aurik Alumni, your invitation is not transferable. 


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Alumni online roundtable 11 August 2023

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Online roundtable session facilitated by Pavlo Phitidis

Business event 30 Nov

11 August 2023
9am to 10.30am

Keep good company by engaging and developing relationships with established, growth-minded business owners through an online roundtable event that will enable – 

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

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2 halves of a business

This Week@Work: A brilliant product or service is only half of the business

This Week@Work Pavlo met with a business owner who has a brilliant product that genuinely competes with the best in their industry. But a product only exists for one reason – to solve a problem for someone. The team and commercial system that allows people to find, use and want more of the product is the 2nd half the business.

Watch as Pavlo discusses this idea of 2 parts of a business.

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Alumni meet up Cape Town 2023

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Alumni networking and dealmaking

Business event 30 Nov

Date and details TBC

Cape Town

Get access to and insight from a network of peers in a casual, convivial setting that will offer:

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

Please note this is a closed event, exlusively for Aurik Alumni, your invitation is not transferable. 


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Alumni online roundtable 15 September 2023

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Online roundtable session facilitated by Pavlo Phitidis

Business event 30 Nov

15 September 2023
9am to 10.30am

Keep good company by engaging and developing relationships with established, growth-minded business owners through an online roundtable event that will enable – 

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

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