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Tag: Scale

Alumni online roundtable 20 October 2023

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Online roundtable session facilitated by Pavlo Phitidis

Business event 30 Nov

20 October 2023
9am to 10.30am

Keep good company by engaging and developing relationships with established, growth-minded business owners through an online roundtable event that will enable – 

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

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Alumni online roundtable 17 November 2023

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Online roundtable session facilitated by Pavlo Phitidis

Business event 30 Nov

17 November 2023
9am to 10.30am

Keep good company by engaging and developing relationships with established, growth-minded business owners through an online roundtable event that will enable – 

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

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Alumni Year in Reflection

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Year in reflection and future forecast

Business event 30 Nov

1 December 2023 
9am to 10.30am


Gain a helicopter view of the year ahead through an annual panel discussion on South Africa from a political, social and economic future forecast hosted by Pavlo Phitidis and an expert panel through a 90 min yearly online event.

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Variety of canned beans, This week @ work

This Week@Work: Beans are not just beans, but they can help you get your positioning right!

This Week@Work Pavlo met with a business that is deeply entrenched in all things solar – a great sector to be in but their problem is that they have evolved to be everything to everyone. Their positioning is not clear, and they won’t be able to scale and grow until they get that right.

Pavlo looks to baked beans to illustrate how to think about your business’s positioning.

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Alumni meet up 30 June 2023

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Alumni networking and dealmaking

Business event 30 Nov

30 June 2023
5pm to 8pm 

The Office, Melrose Arch 

Get access to and insight from a network of peers in a casual, convivial setting that will offer:

  • Networking: build relationships and connections that can lead to new business opportunities
  • Learning: draw on the insight and foresight of established business owners with direct experience in problem-solving and opportunity creation
  • Collaboration: develop opportunities, such as partnering on projects or sharing resources.
  • Innovation: gain exposure to new ideas from peers at the forefront of their industries

Please note this is a closed event, exlusively for Aurik Alumni, your invitation is not transferable. 


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Specialised tools

This Week@Work: Specialisation alone is not enough to scale, grow and secure a successful business exit

This week at work, Pavlo met with a group of brilliant engineers who undoubtedly offer a highly specialized solution. It’s something no one else can do at this stage and they believe that is enough to drive their growth. It made me ask whether these engineers are building a business, or if they are just creating a job for themselves. The difference is profound.

Watch as he address what’s missing if all you have is a brilliant product or service.

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PAST EVENT: Business Breakfast 30 November

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Lock & load your business to grow & dominate in 2023

Business growth system

1 December 2022 
1pm SAST / 11am GMT 

As the year races to a close, it’s easy to get stuck in the engine room of your business, being ‘busy’. But now is the time to be thinking about and acting towards the goals you want to achieve next year

If you don’t, you’ll be in exactly the same place in 12 months’ time.

If you do, you’ll be in a better position to  get ahead of your competitors and take your business to its next level.

For 15 years, Aurik has partnered with over 3 000 businesses to deliver average annual growth rates of 28.9% and average EBITDA growth of 32.4%

Join us on 1st December to understand how we have gotten this right, and to gain a fresh perspective on your own business. 

In 55 minutes we will cover: 

  • What worked and what failed in 2022
  • Opportunities and threats 2023 will bring
  • What mindset, business model and approach will best capitalise on them


Pavlo Phitidis

As an entrepreneur and investor, Pavlo offers over 25 years of direct experience in conceptualising and building businesses across three continents. He has developed and brought to market business assets in excess of $400m through a combination of business start-ups, turnarounds, sales and acquisitions. Using his hands-on experience, business capabilities and relationship networks, he continues to support the growth of business owners through Aurik , a venture capital business growth service.

Pavlo is a regular media commentator, an international speaker on business growth and author of the best-selling, Sweat Scale $ell as well as his newest title: Reset Rebuild Reignite.

Register here

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PAST EVENT: Lock and load your business for 2023 / 1 December online

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

Lock & load your business to grow & dominate in 2023

Business growth system

1 December 2022 
1pm SAST / 11am GMT 

As the year races to a close, it’s easy to get stuck in the engine room of your business, being ‘busy’. But now is the time to be thinking about and acting towards the goals you want to achieve next year

If you don’t, you’ll be in exactly the same place in 12 months’ time.

If you do, you’ll be in a better position to  get ahead of your competitors and take your business to its next level.

For 15 years, Aurik has partnered with over 3 000 businesses to deliver average annual growth rates of 28.9% and average EBITDA growth of 32.4%

Join us on 1st December to understand how we have gotten this right, and to gain a fresh perspective on your own business. 

In 55 minutes we will cover: 

  • What worked and what failed in 2022
  • Opportunities and threats 2023 will bring
  • What mindset, business model and approach will best capitalise on them


Pavlo Phitidis

As an entrepreneur and investor, Pavlo offers over 25 years of direct experience in conceptualising and building businesses across three continents. He has developed and brought to market business assets in excess of $400m through a combination of business start-ups, turnarounds, sales and acquisitions. Using his hands-on experience, business capabilities and relationship networks, he continues to support the growth of business owners through Aurik , a venture capital business growth service.

Pavlo is a regular media commentator, an international speaker on business growth and author of the best-selling, Sweat Scale $ell as well as his newest title: Reset Rebuild Reignite.

Register here

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PAST EVENT: In-person KZN 12 October 2022

Join us for 55 minutes on 3rd November to understand  how we would work with you and your team to achieve your business goals and ambitions. 

In person in Umhlanga, KZN 12 October 2022

Business growth system

46 business owners 
R4,071 billion of annual turnovers in the room

Pavlo Phitidis

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