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Tag: SalesSystem


The taking stock trilogy, starting with WHY?

This Week@Work it’s time to do an annual stocktake and over the next three weeks we will be revisiting three fundamental questions you need to ask yourself at least every year, to ensure your business stays on course.

First up: Why do you do what you do?

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This Week@Work: If you allow it to rust and atrophy, you’ll not have it when you need it!

This Week@Work: If you allow it to rust and atrophy, you’ll not have it when you need it!

This Week@Work, a rusty bike chain made Pavlo think of Zig Ziglar, who started out as a door-to-door salesperson.

Zig understood the art of hunting for business, something that most business owners have gotten rusty at since we started to rely on digital media to bring business to our door.

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