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Tag: Business leadership

Coach? Consultant? Advisor? Agency

Coach? Consultant? Advisor? Agency

This Week@Work as a business owner, who do you turn to when you need support or advice? The options are endless, best to understand who serves what role.

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The taking stock trilogy, starting with WHY?

This Week@Work it’s time to do an annual stocktake and over the next three weeks we will be revisiting three fundamental questions you need to ask yourself at least every year, to ensure your business stays on course.

First up: Why do you do what you do?

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synthesis Reset rebuild reignite

Leading a business through a crisis: Synthesis podcast with Pavlo Phitidis & Howard Feldman

What are the mindsets and actions needed to lead a business through a crisis? Whether it is Covid or a partner fallout, Pavlo and Howard discussed how some businesses consistently rise above the challenges and how they get that right.


The conversation is based on Pavlo’s book, Reset Rebuild Reignite, which offers practical insights on building a business to be resilient to crises – and to take advantage of the opportunities that crises and change bring about. Get your copy here