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94.6% of businesses fail to sell.

They close at an enormous cost to the owner, their family, their staff and the economy. Most business owners realise too late that there are only two destinations for any business: a sale or closure. You’ve got to build to $ell.

Sweat, Scale, $ell shares real business-building stories about how ordinary business owners took charge of their fate using the Asset of Value™ method.

With Pavlo Phitidis, they Sweated to reshape their business to be relevant to a changing world; they built a solid foundation for Scale; and then they pressed hard to ramp up growth in preparation for $ale to create a business any buyer would want.

Pavlo draws on 25 years of direct experience in conceptualising and building businesses across four continents. Having started, built and sold 12 businesses generating in excess of $300m, he founded the Asset of Value™ method, a practical approach to build a winning business.

The book is available to order from good booksellers and there’s also an audiobook and an e-book


I want to thank you for penning such an insightful, incisive, entertaining and educating read. Your Asset of Value formula will be forming the base of our discussion at our annual Strategic Planning Day next month – thank you.

– Dylan Ferguson

Fantastic read that gives business owners (current and future) practical advice that is paramount in creating a concern that will leave you fulfilled and celebrating an outright sale of your asset of value – the way it should be.

-@SxcialMediaSifu on Twitter

I challenge anyone to start reading and put the book down, because it flows right from the beginning, story telling style, engaging, anticipatory, and makes you reflect. Great book @pavlobiz…and the humour

– Mathetha Mokonyama

Loved the book Pavlo. Made stacks of notes for upcoming Strat sessions. Great read filled with real insight for all entrepreneurs. This should also be required reading for all high school and tertiary learners keen on understanding the duality if being in business for yourself.

-Wayne Spray[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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